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Areas of Expertise

Grief Recovery & Life After Loss.

Grief following death, the end of a relationship or a big life transition along with our reactions to these are as unique and complex as our finger print. The ripple effect of loss is powerful and can be very painful mentally, emotionally and even result in lack of motivation and energy depletion.

Often times unprocessed trauma or grief can cause of physical pain, disruptive beliefs, anxiety, insomnia and even addiction.

I will support you and guide you on how to process grief in a simple, safe and healthy way all while honouring your truth and what safe space means for you.

Communication & Expressing Your Truth.

Communication as we all know is important.

So why is it that so many of us are scared and resist speaking our true desires and feelings?

Discover the freedom that comes from speaking your truth and overcoming boundary issues.

Have you ever thought:

Why do people always take advantage of me?

Why do I always attract the same shitty circumstances, partners, finances etc (spoiler alert: it's not your fault)

Together let's tune into both your intuition and your critical thinking skills to create healthy standards and boundaries so you can confidently be yourself in your relationships and your life.

Physical Body Healing & Wellness

Your body is your sacred temple and you are worthy of experiencing pain free mobility and confidence in it. Whether you need a moment of relaxation, to reduce muscle tension or to attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage or CranioSacral Therapy session can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being.
Not sure which hands on treatment is best for you?
We can take a few minutes to discuss that when you come in.

My Unique Approach:
Making Healing Simple & Fun!

Over the past 16 years, I have helped thousands of clients in more than 20 countries experience healing holistically from a place of empowerment, clarity, freedom, simplicity and fun. I am confident that together we can execute a treatment plan that will help you with your unique healing process.


Now, this is where many online coaches and mentors will sell you on why you absolutely need them or their offer and that without it, your life will be unfulfilled or worst yet, you'll be miserable and never experience true healing. The truth is, you don’t need me. Crazy right??


It's true though. Within you is an Inner Wisdom with all the answers that you need. Within you is also an Inner Physician, ready, willing and able to guide you to how to heal your body.

Sadly, the problem is that most of us have become disconnected from this inner wisdom or not sure how to combine it with critical thinking so we are then left feeling confused, powerless or not good enough.


What you need is a safe place to land as you explore your emotions, desires and beliefs. Someone to hold a light for you when it gets dark. Someone to remind you of how powerful you are. Someone to hold space for you to feel seen and heard without judgement on the good days and the bad days. Someone to guide you through processes while respecting and honouring your boundaries. Someone who won't assume they know what safe space looks like for you but who will ask you what you need and also know that the answer can change from one session to another.


That is where I come in. One of my biggest skills and qualities is to be able to create and nurture sacred space for profound healing and major breakthroughs. Your mind may desire the quick fix, but I’ve learned that there is nothing sacred about rushing a process or treatment for temporary relief. Your pain, habits and patterns that are creating contrast and obstacles for you did not show up overnight, therefore healing can oftentimes take a few sessions. Especially with physical body treatments.


I honour your unique journey.
When you choose to work with me, we work together as a team.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask.


-Cindy O'Donnell

Beach Bar
My Approach
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